
Mossberg Tactical Lever Gun

Introduced at the 2012 SHOT Show, the Mosberg 464 SPX is a tactical, lever action rifle chambered in .30-30.  This lever gun is black (of course) and comes standard with a tri-rail and AR-style, adjustable buttstock.  Yes, it can be had with a flash hider.

(Ed. Note: You can read my Mossberg 464 SPX Review for additional information on this gun.)

Mossberg is also introducing a .22 LR version of the 464 tactical lever gun.  This model can be purchased with a muzzle break to help tame the wild recoiling rimfire.

Mossberg 464 SPX

Michael Bane mentioned the tactical .30-30 on his podcast a week or two ago.  I thought it could be very cool or a train wreck.  I’ll let you decide for yourself.  MSRP starts at $497 and goes up from there.

I’m a big fan of the lever action rifle as a home defense gun.  The .30-30 cartridge is more than adequate to stop a determined home invader.  Plus, in the aftermath, it is much harder for an attorney representing the “poor victim” to show you were a bloodthirsty killer by pointing to a walnut stocked lever action your daddy gave you.  I just don’t know if the 464 SPX is quite what I am thinking for self defense, but what the heck.  Different strokes for different folks.  If you like it, buy one and don’t worry about what anyone else might think.

Mossberg 464 SPX
The muzzle brake on the .22 LR version of the Mossberg 464 SPX.

2014 Update

Mossberg continues to sell the 464 SPX rifles. It would seem that they are a better seller than some people gave it credit for.

The MSRP has increased to $552 from the original $497. I suppose that is to be expected.

One thing Mossberg did do was the company added a zombie version of the rifle. The 464 ZMB is much the same gun, but with a splash of green for good measure. I do not have a photo of it to post. However, when I get one, I will add it to this page. The zombie version of the rifle has a suggested list price of $581.

By Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is a gun writer, amateur historian and - most importantly - a dad. He's done a lot of silly things in his life, but quitting police work to follow his passion of writing about guns was one of the smartest things he ever did. He founded this site and continues to manage its operation.

17 replies on “Mossberg Tactical Lever Gun”

I’ll admit that this thing was painful to look at (the .22 caliber rifle was even worse), and I absolutely agree that “tactical” has been applied way too liberally – its even on a can of bacon for goodness sake!

However, I do see some good here …

1-A .30 caliber round does some devastating work on home invaders and critters alike.

2-Having an adjustable stock allows shooters of different sizes to properly fit the rifle to their needs. And if you are going through your home looking for bad guys, being able to reduce overall length can be very handy in the tight spots.

3-A lever action rifle (with practice) can produce much quicker follow-up shots than a bolt gun.

4-The sound of a lever gun’s action is very similar to the sound a shotgun makes when chambering. This is really good for intimidation factor for the home invaders. It’s that universal “I mean to do you harm” sound.

5-Not everyone can afford to drop upwards of $1000 on a decent AR-platform (especially those in .30 caliber).

There, that’s about it. Mossberg would have done much better to include the top rail for optics, and to have supplied this freak show with a modular fore grip. That way people not wanting to make this look ridiculous could remove rails and have a fairly normal looking lever gun. Those wanting lights, lasers, M203 grenade launchers, etc. could completely rail it out to their hearts desire.

Personally, I’ll stick with my standard Marlin Model 336C with nice Black Walnut stocks!

Abomination , by years end they will discontinue? Not likely , see if you can find one for sale anywhere?

I haven’t seen any locally, because our local dealers refuse to stock them.. There is no demand for such a gun here, at least not enough to warrant stocking some on the wall or shelf…

I’m not into “tactical” rifles but I have to say that I love this thing. Yes, it’s ugly. No, it isn’t really “tactical”. To me it looks like a lever action rifle that has evolved into the 21th century. If I could find one for sale I’d buy it.

to all u 464 guys i made my own forarm n redone the whole buttstock added green dot n lite cut two pounds off lot better made my own ammo belt hold holdd 150 rnd i made my oen shit the way i want it

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