General Information Second Amendment Issues

Gun Rights Radio Network: Gun Podcasts for Everyone!

Two years ago, my wife bought me my first iPod. I soon discovered ‘podcasting’ and the wide variety of free programming offered through iTunes. One of the first programs I discovered was the Gun Rights Advocate podcast hosted by Mark Vanderberg.

Podcasts, for those that don’t know, are audio (and in some cases video) files that you can download to listen to on your computer or iPod. Podcasts are most-often given away for free and follow a format similar to talk radio. Unlike traditional talk-radio, podcasts are pre-recorded.

Vanderberg began hosting a second podcast, Gun Rights News, and started forming alliances with other gun podcasters like Kenn Blanchard of The Urban Shooter. Vanderberg’s continuing efforts have brought us the Gun Rights Radio Network.

The Gun Rights Radio Network (GRRN) is a group of nine podcasters who work together to bring the public high-quality programing on a wide variety of firearms topics. From gun reviews by Massad Ayoob and John Strayer on the ProArms Podcast to Doc Wesson’s insights into the Mosin Nagant rifles at The Shot Show, there is something for everyone over at GRRN.

Update:  The Gun Rights Radio network has expanded farther and now has nearly 20 different pro-gun podcasts.  There is a huge range of topics available now and there is literally something for everyone.  I continue to recommend the network for anyone who likes guns.

I do a lot of driving, and when I am on the road, it is great to have a few of these shows loaded onto the iPhone to keep me company.  A huge thank you to Mark Vanderberg for starting and running the network.  It is an amazing benefit for the gun rights community.  Check out all of the shows and drop into the forums to interact with the gun podcast hosts.  It is a very friendly community – very welcoming.

By Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is a gun writer, amateur historian and - most importantly - a dad. He's done a lot of silly things in his life, but quitting police work to follow his passion of writing about guns was one of the smartest things he ever did. He founded this site and continues to manage its operation.