Whether you need leather or kydex, inside-the-waistband or crossdraw, you’ve come to the right place for holster reviews.
Many of the holsters that we review are designed for concealed carry. However, some of them are suitable for open carry or even competition. If you are looking for information on law enforcement duty holsters, make sure you check out our sister site, BlueSheepdog.com. There are some duty holster reviews there.

- Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 2.0 – This hybrid-style holster wound up being one of the more comfortable designs I have tried. I like it, and while it is not perfect, it offers great value.
- Beretta APX Holsters – If you need a scabbard for the newest full-size pistol from Beretta, you will want to check here. I’ve put together the most complete list of rigs for the APX, and I am constantly updating it.
- Beretta Nano Holsters – The Nano is a compact handgun, perfect for concealed carry. However, without a quality holster to carry the gun, the Nano isn’t going to do you much good. We’ve assembled a comprehensive list of scabbards for your review.
- Bersa BP9CC, BP40CC and BP380CC Holsters – One comprehensive list that covers all of the models in the BP-series line of handguns from Bersa.
- Bianchi Model 7 Shadow II – This inexpensive, yet well-made, holster is reviewed with a Glock 19 in this article. I’ve owned mine for several years, and it works very well for me.
- Black Arch Protos-M Holster – This is an IWB rig that uses the hybrid model. Unlike most, however, it does a very good job of covering the trigger guard.
- Blue Ridge Holsters Camo Hybrid – Made in the USA by a small business in Georgia, these concealed carry holsters offer good concealment, very good comfort and a very reasonable price.
- Blackhawk ARC Review – I had a chance to run a G43 and an M&P Shield in a pair of these AIWB rigs. The holsters worked exceptionally well. I highly recommend these. They are made in the USA.
- Bravo Concealment ACER DG2 – A suede-covered Kydex holster is not what I was expecting, but I was both surprised and impressed by this concealed carry rig.
- Dara Holsters – Relatively new to the shooting market, Dara Holsters offers rugged Kydex scabbards in a variety of forms for concealed carry and duty use. I review the custom IWB and OWB offerings.
- DeSantis Nemesis Review – We review the Nemesis pocket holster. There have been several updates to the design. In the original design, we found a couple of problems, which wound up being corrected in the next version. A review of both versions is included in this article.
- Diamondback AM2 Holster Resource – I’ve assembled a complete list of concealed carry holsters for the Diamondback AM2 pistol. The list has grown over time, and I’ve done my best to stay on top of the rigs available for this pistol.
- Galco Summer Comfort – We take a look at the leather IWB holster from Galco that looks to be modeled after the classic Milt Sparks Summer Special. It turns out to be a pretty good scabbard.
- Glock 19 Holster List – I’ve assembled a massive list of Glock 19 holsters here along with my thoughts on them from 20+ years of carrying a G19.
- Glock 42 Holster List – As we have done for the Beretta Nano, Remington R51 and other guns, this is a list of the different scabbards currently available for the G42.
- Glock 43 Holsters – Looking for a carry rig for your new 9mm Glock? Make sure you check this comprehensive list of carry rigs for the newest Glock. Readers leave a lot of feedback on these lists, so you can get some insight into what others think before laying down any cash.
- HK VP9 Holster List – If you are looking for a carry rig for your H&K VP9 pistol, this is the list you need to check out. We have compiled a detailed list of nearly every scabbard currently being made for the gun. Kydex, leather and nylon – we have searched all over to bring you the most complete resource of information for concealed and open carry of the new HK pistol.
- HK VP40 List – No, all of the rigs for the VP9 will not fit the VP40 (darn you HK!) So, if you have a .40 S&W pistol, you should check out this page where I let you know who is making what. (Some work, but some do not. You need to know which will work for you.)
- Kholster IWB Concealment Holster – Two reviews on the Kholster IWB holsters. We obtained two holsters and gave them to different reviewers so readers get two perspectives.
- Mossberg MC1sc Holster List – Out of the gate a number of major companies announced support for the new MC1sc pistol. Other companies are adding models and we’ve compiled a list of what is currently available.
- Naroh Arms N1 Pistol Holster Roundup – This is a comprehensive list of all of the CCW rigs that are currently available for the N1 handgun from Naroh Arms.
- Phalanx Defense Systems Stealth Operator Compact Holster – This is a one size fits all kind of holster. Although it is made by a company I like, I don’t think it lives up to the marketing.
- Remington R51 Holster List – This is a comprehensive list of the available scabbards currently available for the Remington R51 pistols.
- Remington RM380 Holsters – I’ve put together another comprehensive list of holsters, this time for the RM380. Leave a comment on the rigs you like, and let me know if I missed any.
- RKBA Holsters – RKBA is a leather holster maker that started with pocket holsters and now does additional designs. Fast turnaround, good quality and very reasonable prices.
- Ruger-57 Holsters – We’ve assembled a complete list of Ruger-57 holsters that are available on the market right now.
- Ruger American Pistol Holsters List – This is a roundup article covering all of the holsters that are currently available for the American Pistol.
- Ruger SR9c Holsters – The SR9c is a very popular handgun for concealed carry and self-defense. But without a quality scabbard, the gun cannot be carried safely. Fortunately, we’ve assembled a complete list of holster options for this pistol.
- Safariland 578 GLS Pro-Fit – I review the newest concealed carry scabbard from Safariland. This holster has an active retention system but is not a “security” holster designed for duty carry. The price on this is surprisingly low.
- SIG Sauer P250 Holsters – This article is a round-up piece on a wide range of options for carrying the SIG P250. This is a huge resource article with all kinds of holsters shown for the handgun. The P250 can change sizes, and this article takes that into account when showing the different scabbards out there.
- Smith & Wesson M&P Shield Holsters – Need a new carry rig for your M&P Shield? I’ve assembled a very thorough list of holsters here.
- Smith & Wesson M&P45 Shield Holster List – The .45 is the latest addition to the Shield line. Unlike the 9mm and .40 S&W, this gun is not the same size as the rest of the line. So, a lot of the original holsters will not fit the larger bore handgun. So, check out this list for a look at what is available for the newer pistol.
- Tagua Gunleather Holster – These imported leather holsters can be found for relatively cheap prices in many gun stores. But, are they worth the price?
- Uncle Mike’s Kydex Holster – It seems that everybody makes a kydex holster now. How does the Uncle Mike’s stack up to the competition?
- Walther CCP Holster List – Sometimes it can be hard to find carry gear for new guns. We’ve assembled a comprehensive list of holsters for the CCP, and are keeping it updated as additional companies start making for the gun.
- Walther PK380 Holsters – A round-up of all kinds of holsters available for the Walther PK380 handgun. The article includes information on leather, Kydex and more.
- YetiTac Custom – YetiTac makes a variety of Kydex carry rigs. I tested two of them with the Glock 43 with an attached Streamlight TLR-6. I loved the IWB called the FireSide.

Let us know what holster reviews you would like to see in the future. Â We’ve got a few still in the pipeline to be done, but we always like getting feedback from you, the reader, on what you want to see.