You bought a new Ruger American Pistol and now you need a holster. Welcome to the one place where you can get a comprehensive look at what kind of carry rigs are currently available.
At the launch of any new handgun, holster options are limited and a good carry rig can be hard to find. As time goes on, more choices enter the market, but it becomes difficult to sort through all of the holsters to find the ones that make sense for your needs. This round up aims to help with both problems.
This is a list of companies currently making holsters for the Ruger American Pistol. Under each company heading, the different rigs being made are listed with some additional information on each design to help you narrow down what you are looking for.

While I try my best to add new holsters as they are introduced, I do occasionally miss one. If you know of any that I have not included, please leave a note in the comments section so I can include it in the list. If you have one of these rigs, please leave some feedback that so other readers can learn from your experience.
Blackhawk is a well known name in the shooting, law enforcement and military markets. Founded by a Navy SEAL with the intent of making gear that won’t fail when you need it most, the company built a reputation of making solid gear.
Blackhawk makes a number of holsters that will fit the new Ruger handgun. Since the company is rooted in the military, I’ll start with tactical holsters.

The Omega VI Ultra is a drop leg holster that is a universal design and was specially developed to work with guns that have a weapon light mounted. It is reasonably priced – especially for the quality that Blackhawk brings to the table – and comes in four different color/camo patterns. The holster can also be attached directly to a belt or any MOLLE gear.
An evolution of the above drop leg holster, the Omega VI Improved is a dedicated drop leg holster that adds a second drop strap to improve comfort and weight distribution. It is a universal style rig, so you can set it up to run another gun should you ever decide to move away from the Ruger.
Prior to launching the American Pistol, Ruger partnered with several holster companies to develop rigs for the guns. One of those companies was Blade-Tech. Blade-Tech makes good quality synthetic holsters. The company’s holsters that will fit the new Ruger pistols are the:
- Total Eclipse – on OWB rig
- Nano – an IWB holster
- Klipt Ambi – another IWB
- WRS – a self-described Level II duty rig
Can Can Concealment
Can Can Concealment is a unique Florida-based company that developed a series of holster products with women in mind. Before the men go wandering off, some of the rigs work well for the masculine gender as well. Many of the company’s designs are intended for smaller guns, but there are several that will work very well with this Ruger. Here is what they offer…

Sport Belt SheBang – The SheBang is part of the company’s Hip Hugger and Sport Belt lines and is designed for larger guns like the Ruger. It is essentially a wide sports belt with pockets for the gun, spare magazine and other tools. In fact, the company refers to it as an urban utility weapons platform. The belt is intended to be worn without any additional support. So for clothing without a belt or athletic activities it is a great option. It could be worn on top of your pants and under a concealing shirt, or under the waistband of the pants for even better concealment. Black and tan are both available, and there are different stitching colors to suit your tastes.

Corset SheBang – Combining a traditional corset with the ability to carry a pair of Ruger American Pistols, the Can Can Concealment Corset SheBang is a carefully designed and extensively tested concealment option. Three colors and a variety of sizes are offered.

Condor is widely known for military accessories such as packs and uniforms. However, the company does manufacture an inexpensive “one size fits all” holster for duty sized weapons like the Ruger American Pistol. Called the MA69 VT Holster, this rig is designed to mount on PALS webbing (MOLLE system) with a vertical alignment. The outside of the holster wraps around the gun and Velcro tabs ensure the rig fits the pistol. It is available in a variety of colors and camouflage patterns.
CrossBreed Holsters
CrossBreed is another of the companies that Ruger partnered with prior to the pistol launch. A popular holster company known for its hybrid designs, it is understandable why Ruger would pick them as one of the chosen few to work with. Corssbreed currently offers the following carry rigs for the American Pistol:
- SuperTuck Deluxe – an IWB rig
- Qwik Clip – another IWB holster
- SnapSlide – an OWB carry holster
- SuperSlide – a second OWB rig
DeSantis Gunhide
DeSantis is one of the older names in the holster making community. I know several people who have relied on their leather products and have had very good things to say about the rigs and company. For my own part, I’ve used the company’s Nemesis pocket holster extensively and had the pleasure of meeting the company owner. Both have impressed me.
Out of the gate, DeSantis is offering three different holsters for the gun. All are leather rigs. They are:
- Thumb Break Scabbard – an OWB design
- Speed Scabbard – another OWB design, this one with an open top
- Cozy Partner – an IWB holster
Galco Gunleather
The folks at Galco Gunleather have been producing holsters for many years – first under the Jackass brand and now as Galco. For those old enough to have seen the original Miami Vice TV show have seen their work as the shoulder holster worn by Sonny Crocket was made by this company.

For the American Pistol, the company has a number of non-traditional options that are worth considering. First up is the Escort. The Escort is a waist pack that conceals the pistol in plain view. It has the additional benefit of being able to carry additional items like a cell phone, spare magazine or even a TQ. Contrary to what some of the gun forums might suggest, a “fanny pack” does not scream gun.

Another way to go is the Hidden Agenda. This is a carry rig that doubles as a Day Runner type planner. Zipped up, there is no way to tell what is in it. However, when unzipped, your Ruger pistol is readily available. Also, there is room for an actual Day Runner planner. Two things to note. First, this is a one size fits most so even if it says for a Beretta or Sig, it will also fit the Ruger. Also, the Hidden Agenda comes with an old Day Runner planner. You will have to purchase an update refill for the current year if you wish to use it as a planner.
Galco offers a unique concealed carry tool called the iDefense. This item is similar to the Hidden Agenda, but instead of a Day Runner, it doubles as a tablet case. The unit allows full use of the tablet without revealing the pistol, which may be good for non-permissive environments. Consider the doctor wearing scrubs – when in surgery, it is secured in a locker, but he can grab it when he leaves to do patient consults. Most tablets, including the iPad and Galaxy lines, will fit in the case.

The company also makes a range of purses that have special holster pockets that will fit the Ruger pistol. These include the:
- Soltaire
- Wisteria
- Meridian, and the
- Metropolitan.
One of the long-time brands in the holster making market, Safariland built a solid reputation for quality in both duty holsters and concealed carry rigs. While the company will also make custom fit rigs for the Ruger pistols, the versatile 578 GLS Pro-Fit works perfectly right out of the gate.
Through a unique construction process, the 578 GLS Pro-Fit is a rigid synthetic holster that fits a wide range of pistols from many different makers. Ruger and Safariland have tested the gun and holster and find the combination works perfectly. Check out my review of the 578 GLS Pro-Fit here for more information on the system.
Uncle Mike’s
Uncle Mike’s has been building gun holsters and other shooting accessories for several decades. In general the quality is good and the prices reasonable. Depending on what you need, Uncle Mike’s may have a good solution to your problems.
One of the options available for the new Ruger pistol is the Adjustable MOLLE Universal Holster. This rig is completely adjustable by the owner so it can fit more than just the American Handgun should you decide to carry another pistol at a later date. It can also work with your pistol if you mount a light or laser to it.
For a basic hip holster, take a look at the Nylon Sidekick in a size 15. It is not a fancy rig, but it is waterproof and padded. For going into the field, it is something to consider.
Another belt holster, the Ambidextrous Sidekick is also a soft nylon rig. However, this one has an improved thumb break retention plus a place to store a spare magazine. Again the size 15 will fit the American Pistol.

For a shoulder holster, Uncle Mike’s offers a vertical rig that is the favorite of many people who need a functional system on a budget. Like the above holsters, go for the size 15.
If you are looking for a very affordable inside-the-waistband holster, consider the soft rigs from Uncle Mike’s. These are not my first choice, but they are a credible choice for anyone who is cash-strapped. Bottom line: they work, are cheap but are not perfect. If you need something but don’t have a lot of money to spend, give it a look.
UTG/Leapers is known for making affordable shooting gear. The company has two rigs that should work fairly well with the Ruger American Handgun.

The first is the company’s Deluxe Adjustable Horizontal Shoulder Holster. This rig is designed so the owner can fit it to the specific gun. It is available in a variety of colors, plus it has a double magazine pouch that rides opposite of the gun.
Another adjustable holster that will fit the American Handgun is the UTG Special Ops Universal Leg Holster Gen II. Sure, the name is a little over the top, but the rig looks decent and is very inexpensive. If I was planning to use this for any kind of duty carry, I would opt for one of the Blackhawk rigs above. But, if this is just as a backup when hunting, it might make a lot of sense. It is available in various colors and camo patterns.
Last Update: October 19, 2022
I assemble lists like this as a service to my readers. The intent is to provide an overview of all (or at least most) of the holsters that are currently on the market for the gun. Also, where appropriate, I share my experiences with the rigs I’ve had a chance to try. As new holsters are introduced, I update this page.
However, I do rely on readers to help. If you know of any rigs that are out for the Ruger American Pistol that I do not have listed, please leave a message in the comments section below. Also, if you have any experience with any of the holsters, please share that as well. is an independent, for-profit website. I do not charge readers a dime to access the information I provide.
Some of the links on this page and site are affiliate links to companies like Amazon and Palmetto State Armory. These links take you to the products mentioned in the article. Should you decide to purchase something from one of those companies, I make a small commission.
The links do not change your purchase price. I do not get to see what any individual purchases.
6 replies on “Ruger American Pistol Holster List”
See also N87BJLAZ0 – and – M24BJLAZ0
The best holster I’ve found for my Ruger American (9mm) is the Safariland Model 578 GLS Pro-Fit. It has a nice snug fit for the Ruger and it locks it firmly in place. The draw on it is quick and smooth using your middle finger to release the lock vice your trigger finger as with the Blackhawk Serpas (I have two of them for my Glock 21 & Series 70 1911). It come with both the Paddle & Belt Loop options and is easily adjusted for your favorite angle forward or back. An ADDED Bonus it this fits the S&W M&P9 as well so for me it’s was like getting a two-fer… Would be interested in seeing Blackhawks model but right now Safariland is my choice. You can find it all over the web ranging in price from $35 – $55 not including any shipping.
I’m looking for the same holster police officers carry one that can’t be taken out by anyone but me
I recommend using Safarliand’s holster finder here to see what they offer in duty holsters currently.
I’m looking for an IWB holster for the Ruger American Competition 8672 w/red dot added. Can you Help me?
Have a Ruger 8648 with laser/light combo. Looking for a tactical holster. Can’t find one anywhere. If anyone knows of one please let me know.