We are just days away from the NRA show in Nashville, TN. I know I am looking forward to it, and I bet you are as well.
Already, we’ve seen announcements from Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Remington and Kahr about new guns. I expect there are even more coming. In fact I know of at least one new gun from the aforementioned companies that has not yet been announced…but, I can’t talk about it yet. Follow along on my NRA show page to keep up with the news.
Of course, I’ve been working on some gun reviews in the weeks leading up to the show…
Smith & Wesson Shield Review

I know the Shield is not a brand new gun, and even the version without the thumb safety has been out for almost a year now. However, I take the gun for a thorough test drive and tell you what I think. There is a lot of information in the review (click here to read it,) but the bottom is I really like the gun. The only downside is my wife likes it a bit more, and it is now her daily carry piece.
STI Escort Review

I’ve had a number of people talk to me about doing reviews of some more expensive guns. This is one of those. STI International has a good reputation for building 1911 pistols, and at $1,300, I expected this compact pistol to earn top marks. However, it wound up being more middle-of-the pack for my money. There was a finishing problem with the trigger, the manual and online support wasn’t outstanding and it didn’t really show me much to justify the price tag. Take a look at the review and let me know what you think of the Escort.