[Editor’s Note: Click here for the SHOT Show 2020 coverage.]
Welcome to the 2017 SHOT Show news coverage page – your source for all of the information about new guns and other gear, plus details on how to attend the event.
If you look to the right (or farther up if you are on a mobile device,) you will see a general table of contents to help you quickly get to the information you want.
Once the show starts, the page will be updated quite frequently, so you will want to refresh frequently. Before the show, new gun rumors and other information will be added as it comes up.
A quick note: Thank you to the National Shooting Sports Foundation for organizing the annual SHOT Show. The NSSF has done a lot of good things for the industry, and this trade show is like none other. Thank you!
Pistols and Revolvers

New pistols and revolvers are introduced every year at the SHOT Show, and the 2017 show will be no different. I know that Smith & Wesson has been preparing a commercial launch of the updated M&P line of handguns, which could be one of the major announcements we will see.
Regardless of what is shown, the GunsHolstersAndGear.com staff will be there to bring you all of the photos, video and information on the new handguns for 2017.
Seen and/or Announced at the Show
Standard Manufacturing S333 Volleyfire

This is one of the more unusual designs I have found at the SHOT Show: the S333. Described in the company literature as “two shots one pull,” the interesting little handgun fires two rounds at a time.
It has six non-rotating barrels that are chambered in .25 ACP. Other calibers are possible in the future.
The trigger pull is long, and somewhat heavy, but still manageable. Pressing down on the rear sight, allows the gun to hinge open in a top-break style.

Although the company representative suggested this gun was good for pocket carry, I think it is too thick for that. The overall length is fine for tucking into a pocket, but the six barrels simply make the gun too thick in my estimation.
Avidity Arms PD10

The PD10 pistol from Avidity Arms has generated a lot of interest from shooters looking for a medium-sized, thin combat handgun. It is very close to production, and the final form is looking good. Rob Pincus, a firearms trainer and one of the driving forces behind this pistol, had the gun on the range at Industry Day, plus several of the guns were on display at the Eagle booth of the show.

The gun feels good in my hand, though the rear hump toward the bottom of the grip does feel a little large in my small to medium sized hands. Otherwise, I like it a lot. It points very well for me. As I’ve reported previously, this 9mm uses single stack Chip McCormick magazines for 10+1 rounds before a reload.

Korth Revolvers

Korth is a German company known for making high end wheel guns since the ’50s. The guns are not cheap and have been relatively difficult to obtain in the United States. However, Korth has teamed up with Nighthawk Custom, and the guns are much easier to obtain.
Two of the revolvers, the Mongoose and the Super Sport, are both .357 Magnum revolvers. Neither has any work on them done by Nighthawk Custom, though they are inspected by the Nighthawk tesm prior to being shipped to any customer.

The Skyhawk (formerly known as the Sky Marshal), however, is customized by Nighthawk. This 9mm revolver cannot be imported with a 2″ barrel “because rules.” (Seriously – US laws and ATF rules on the importation of firearms prevent the importation of this $1,700 handgun with a 2″ barrel.) Nighthawk custom cuts the barrel to 2″ and gives it a target crown.
I.O. Inc. Valkyrie

I.O. will be shipping the new Valkyrie revolver in March according to a company representative at their booth. The new gun is a five shot .22 LR revolver that appears similar in design to the NAA Mini revolver. This gun has a cylinder that swings out similar to a traditional double action wheel gun. Additionally, the gun has a traditional extractor and ejector star.

The images shown here are of the prototype guns that were on hand. For the shipping guns, the expected MSRP is $259.95.
Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 642

The S&W Performance Center offers two new 642 revolvers for 2017. There is more information from the original product announcement a little farther down the page. I did get a close look at them on the show floor, and wanted to share the photos here.

Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 986

Just ahead of the SHOT Show, Smith & Wesson announced a this new version of the Model 986. This one has a shortened barrel (2.5″) making it more suitable for concealed carry. When I spoke to a representative about it, he said that customer demand was pretty strong for a short barreled version of the gun, which led to its introduction.

The gun felt really good in the hand, and the grips had a lot to do with that. Beyond that, however, the gun pointed well for me, and the balance was very good. It is a 7-shot gun that can handle +P loads. Additional information on this wheel gun is below from the original announcement.
Colt Cobra

After many years of waiting, fans of the double action Colt revolver have reason to celebrate: the new Colt Cobra is a reality.
The new guns are pretty much what you would expect: well built with a very good trigger pull. I’ll have more information in a more in-depth article later, but some of the interesting features of this gun include:
- front sights that are user replaceable – they drop into a fitted pocket and are held in place with a standard sized set screw;
- a grip that is set farther back from the frame giving it a better angle for reduced muzzle rise; and
- an entirely new design that allows for top quality production without the need for hand fitting.

According to the information I divined from Colt reps, it seems the new Cobra is only the first of many new double action revolvers the company has in mind. While customer demand will ultimately dictate how the company proceeds, I would not be surprised to see a number of new revolver introductions at the 2018 SHOT Show.
Colt Delta Elite with Rail

Colt is now offering the Delta Elite with an accessory rail. The Delta Elite is a 10mm version of the 1911 that has been one of the most popular handguns of this caliber.
More on the Taurus Spectrum

Taurus officially launched the Spectrum line of pistols at the SHOT Show. I have to say that I am impressed with the guns so far. Additionally, I’ve been impressed with the company representatives who are genuinely excited about the change in culture that seems to have taken place within the company. (Click: Taurus Spectrum review.)
The basics: the Spectrum is a .380 ACP subcompact pistol in the same general category as the Ruger LCP and Kel-Tec P-3AT. Taurus designed this gun to be a true double-action only pistol that is striker fired. It is slightly wider and rounded around the grip making it markedly more comfortable to hold than either of the previous two company’s pistols.

Color options are truly vast with a palette of standard colors offered by Taurus and a wide range of options that will be offered as exclusives through various distributors and retailers like Academy, Rural King, CamFour and others.
My initial impressions of this gun are very positive. I’ve been critical of Taurus in the past, and have had spotty success with the company’s pistols. Based on what I’ve seen dealing with the company at both range day and on the show floor, I am cautiously optimistic about where the company is going.

I’ll have a complete write up on the Taurus Spectrum later. In it, I will have more information on accessories, colors and design.
Smith & Wesson @ Industry Day at the Range

Smith & Wesson had all of their new guns at Media Day including the new M&P 2.0 pistols. I’ve got one of these new handguns waiting on me at my local dealer, so I hope to have a review on these up shortly after returning from the show.

Smith & Wesson also had its new and re-introduced revolvers on hand. Possibly my favorite is the Model 69 Combat Master in .44 Magnum. The company is also introducing a Model 66 in .357 Magnum – which I also have coming to me for review.

S&W had the below gun on hand. The rep I spoke with was not familiar with it other than it was not something that Smith & Wesson would be offering as a catalog item. It was equipped with a wealth of Apex gear, so I am guessing it is some kind of special gun that might be auctioned for charity.

Hudson H9

Hudson Mfg was on hand with its new 9mm pistols. This gun is a unique expression of modern handgun technology, and it is definitely one to watch in 2017. I had a chance to shoot one of the guns and was very impressed by the crispness of the trigger, and its very short reset.
Frankly, I wasn’t sure I would like these guns when they were announced. The H9 looked good, but I didn’t know if there was any punch behind the pretty face. Recoil was very mild, the guns we were running ran great and everyone I met from the company were people that I instantly took a liking to due to their candidness about the pistol.

After the show is over, you can expect to see a more in-depth article about these new guns including a more detailed look at the evolution of the design from start to finish.
New STI Pistols
STI is launching a number of new pistols at the SHOT Show, and had them on hand at the Industry Day at the Range event here in Boulder City. Here are a few of the guns:
Costa Something

I didn’t catch the significance of this pistol, but it has the Costa name on it so it will be huge in Japan (I joke…) I’ll try to get additional information on this gun later. It may be a limited run to raise money for a charity.
DVC Carry

This is a new 9mm single stack model that has a DLC (diamond like carbon) finish and 3.9″ barrel. The thumb safety is ambidextrous, and it has a tritium front sight and a read sight with a flat leading edge. The MSRP is $2,999.
DVC Tactical

This gun is similar to the DVC Carry but with a 5″ barrel. Also, the new introduction covers both 9mm and .45 ACP versions of the gun. It carries the same price tag as the DVC Carry.
DVC Steel

This is a pure race gun that is chambered in both 9mm and .38 Super. It has a hard chrome finish that was exceptionally difficult to photograph. Although the photo isn’t bad, it is much prettier in person. It has a retail price of $3,999.
H.O.S.T. DS 4.0

This is another of the company’s new single-stack pistols. It is chambered for both the 9mm and .45 ACP cartridges. Along with a threaded 4.15″ barrel, the gun has raised sights to see over a suppressor and a pre-milled slide for the easy installation of an optic. The MSRP is $3,199.
H.O.S.T. SS 5.0

Similar to the DS 4.0 above, this gun is also pre-milled for an optic. It also has a threaded 5″ barrel and suppressor sights. In addition to the 9mm and .45 ACP, this gun can be had in 10mm. Full retail is $2,699.
Updated Taurus Curve

At Industry Day at the Range, Taurus had its updated Curve pistol on hand. This is the gun that literally has a curve in the frame with the intention that it better fit the shape of a person’s hip when carried IWB. The new gun uses a Virdian light and laser that instantly activates when drawn. This replaces the light and laser previously supplied by LaserLyte.
I shot one of these updated guns and found that the red laser was visible on a white target (in this case a 3D clown target.) However, on darker areas of the target the daylight simply made the aiming point too difficult to see. This isn’t a surprise as it is one of the weaknesses of red lasers regardless of manufacture.

As expected, the gun shot fine and the felt recoil was much less than many of the uber-thin .380 pistols that are on the market.
Announced Prior to the Show
Smith & Wesson Performance Center 586 L-Comp

For those looking for a full framed revolver for self-defense, the Smith & Wesson Performance Center has a tuned 586 that might be of interest. This L-frame revolver is chambered in .357 Magnum and holds 7 rounds in the cylinder. The Performance Center ports the barrel to reduce muzzle climb and installs a Trijicon night sight just behind the port. The Performance Center tunes the action to give it a smooth DA trigger pull and a crisp SA pull. One of these will set you back $1,208.
Smith & Wesson Performance Center 642

One of my favorite workhorse guns for concealed carry is the Model 642. This is a J-frame, 5-shot revolver with a concealed hammer (often called hammerless, though that is not technically accurate) and short barrel. Chambered in .38 Special, I’ve had one of these guns with me on a regular basis since 1996.
for 2017, the Performance Center released a new version of this classic handgun. The gun has a tuned action (something it definitely needs) plus some nice eye candy like polished flutes on the cylinder and polished screws. The cylinder is cut for moon clips and the trigger is chrome plated. The full retail price is only $536, which seems pretty darn cheap considering the tuned action before any of the cosmetic stuff is done.
Bond’s Unnamed 6″

Bond Arms is introducing a 6″ model of the company’s two-shot handgun. While the gun appears ready, the company does not yet have a name. It is running a contest on Facebook right now if you have any ideas. Tell them GunsHolstersAndGear.com sent you. If you come up with the winning name, Bond Arms says it will send you one of the guns.
Hudson H9

A new gun from a new company: The Hudson H9. This is a 9mm pistol that takes a number of design cues from the 1911 platform. Unlike a 1911, it is striker fired and uses a trigger safety. It is interesting, with a number of curious features like how low the recoil spring assembly is in the pistol. I look forward to trying one of these out. Basics: 9mm with 15+1 capacity, G10 grips, Trijicon sights, 4.28″ barrel, 34 ounce weight. I hope to shoot one of these on Range Day and give you a first hand account on how it shoots.
Ruger Redhawk – 8 Shot, .357 Magnum

Ruger announced the company would now sell an 8-shot, .357 Magnum revolver in the Redhawk line. These new handguns have an unfluted cylinder (like the new S&W 986 below), 2.75″ barrel and adjustable sights. Ruger opted to use a red insert front sight which is helpful to those of us with aging eyes. The revolver is not a pocket gun, but would still be good for CCW. The unloaded weight is 44 ounces.Ruger’s MSRP is $1,079 on these.
Smith & Wesson 986 – 9mm, 2.5″ Barrel

This 9mm revolver comes out of the S&W Performance Center. It features a 7-shot, unfluted titanium cylinder, bossed mainspring, custom barrel with recessed precision crown, tuned action and custom wood grips. I really like the look of this one. The asking price is $1,129.
Colt Cobra

I knew that for several years Colt had been working on returning a double action revolver to its line-up. Well, it finally happened. Welcome to the new Cobra. This is a six-shot .38 +P revolver that is suitable for concealed carry. It doesn’t look like a pocket gun, but it is certainly good for an IWB rig. The MSRP will be $699.
Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0

Prior to the show, Smith & Wesson announced its new 2.0 series of Smith & Wesson M&P pistols. The exact details were still a bit sketchy, so I think the company was not prepared for the leaks about the new guns at TheFirearmBlog and other sites. There are a number of features not confirmed or mentioned in the press release, so I will hit the S&W booth early and try to nail down the exact details on these handguns at the show.
Polymer80 PF940c 80% Frame

Polymer80 will start selling the new Glock 19-sized 80% frames in early 2017, and the company will have demos of the new frames at the SHOT Show. Having built a full size G17 clone with one of the Polymer80 frames, I am really looking forward to trying one of these as well.
CZ P-10

CZ announced several models of the new P-10 ahead of the show. The models include FDE frames and versions with a threaded barrel for use with a sound suppressor.
Coonan 9mm, 10mm Pistols

The Coonan name became famous for putting the .357 Magnum in the 1911 frame. For 2017, the company will now offer 1911-style pistols in both 9mm and 10mm. The new guns use pivoting triggers, linkless barrels and external extractors to keep things running.
Dan Wesson PM-C

Dan Wesson will introduce a new 1911-style pistol called the PM-C. The new 9mm pistol matches a commander length slide with an officer sized frame. It follows the styling of the larger Pointman 1911 but with the shorter grip. It has a fiber optic front sight with a combat rear sight. The MSRP is $1,597.
Chiappa White Rhino

Chiappa Firearms announced the company would be showing a 3″ Rhino with a new ‘crackled’ white finish with a contrasting black cylinder and G10 grips. The White Rhino is chambered for the .357 Magnum cartridge and will retail for $1,465.
If you are looking for the information on the CBR-9 pistol, click here.

The Standard Manufacturing Company announced it would now begin making and selling 1911 style pistols. The first gun, the STD-1911, will be shown at the SHOT Show in 2017. It will feature a 5″ match barrel and be chambered in .45 ACP. Although I don’t see anything that really distinguishes it from a lot of other 1911 pistols already on the market, I do look forward to seeing the gun for myself.
Shotguns, Rifles and Naughty NFA

As with handguns, there are all kinds of long gun introductions made at this trade show including new rifle calibers. One of the fastest growing categories, however, has been NFA items. NFA (National Firearms Act) items include short barrel rifles, sound suppressors and other tools.
We will have complete information on the newest guns in this section.
Seen and/or Announced at the Show
Stag-10 and Stag-10S

Stag Arms rolled out a pair of .308 rifles this year. In the image above, the Stag-10S is on top, while the Stag-10 is the one on the bottom. The -10S has a 16″ barrel, adjustable Magpul ACS stock and a lock plate with a pair of sling attachment points. The -10 has a Magpul FRS, 18″ barrel and no single point sling attachment points.
Both guns have chrome lined barrels with a 1:10″ twist, VG6 Gamma comp and Diamondhead VRST hand guard. The hand guard has KeyMod attachment points. No MSRP was provided by the rep in the booth, and I don’t see one listed on the website or in the company’s literature.
Caracal CAR816 A2

Caracal USA really seems to be giving 100% to creating a viable gun company in the United States. The original Caracal pistols seemed to be getting traction before all of them ever made were recalled due to safety issues.
The CAR816 A2 is a short-stroke piston, AR-style carbine chambered in 5.56 NATO. It has a three position gas block to allow for reliability with a variety of ammunition and suppressor use. This gun is 100% made in the United States and has an MSRP of $1,850. That’s not cheap, and there are already a number of proven competitors in this space.
For what it is worth, the gun shot well at the Industry Day event. The trigger was slightly better than the one on the company’s DI carbine and with the variable power optic (I think it was a 1-6x), you could ring steel at 200 yards.
The guns ship with a 30-round Lancer Warfighter magazine. Although I don’t think its the rifle for me, it does seems to be a credible gun and is backed by a limited lifetime warranty.
IWI DAN 338 Rifle

IWI was on hand with the new to the US market DAN rifle chambered in .338 Lapua. This new gun is a bolt action rifle with a number of interesting features that include a side mounted safety, a unique stock that makes removing the oversized bolt very easy and very good accuracy.

Aaron, an actual sniper in real life, wrote up a more complete review of this gun at The Firearm Blog here.

Announced Prior to the Show
Here are all of the rifles, shotguns and SBR/SBS announcements made prior to the January show.
FightLite MXR

FightLite will introduce the MXR platform at the SHOT Show. The MXR will come in submachine gun form for government purchase, and in pistol and rifle models for the rest of us. The base gun is chambered in 9mm, but is designed to easily convert to other calibers including .22 LR and .45 ACP. The guns are designed to feed from different handgun magazines such as those made by Glock and SIG SAUER. For those not familiar with the name FightLite, this is simply the new company name for Ares Defense.
Savage MSR 10 Series

Savage Arms added a number of new AR-style rifles to its catalog this year, including a pair of MSR 10 rifles: the Hunter and the Long Range. The MSR 10 Hunter is available in .308 Win and 6.5 Creedmoor with a Picatinny railed upper and Blackhawk parts that include the Blaze trigger, pistol grip and adjustable length stock. The MSR 20 Long Range is available in the same calibers, but is fitted with the very popular Magpul PRS buttstock.
Savage MSR 15 Series
Savage also added a pair of .223 Wylde guns to its stable. One is called the Recon while the second is the Patrol. Both are fitted with Blackhawk gear. These guns have barrels with button rifling and Melonite finishes. I’ll have more information on these from the show and range.
TNW Firearms Release CA Compliant Carbine

TNW Firearms announced the Aero Survival Rifle would now be sold in a California complaint model equipped with a Thordsen stock. These new rifles still disassemble for easy storage and will be available in 9mm, .40 S&W, .357 SIG, 10mm and .45 ACP. The carbines use Glock magazines and do not need a bullet button.
Bergara B14 HMR

Bergara Rifles announced a new precision long gun called the B14 HMR. This new rifle uses a mini chassis, the company’s B14 action and 4140 steel barrels to produce sub MOA bolt guns in both .308 Win and 6.5 Creedmoor. These guns use AICS magazines.
Cobalt Kinetics Stealth

The Stealth is a 300 BLK SBR in a PDW configuration. It has a 9″ barrel, collapsable stock and is designed to run with a direct attach suppressor. Since this is a NFA item, a suppressor makes it a two stamp gun. I would like to see the gun made with an integral suppressor for a single stamp. Plus, with the nearly $4,000 price tag a suppressor would be a nice “value add.”
Bushmaster Minimalist

The Minimalist is an AR-style rifle offered in 300 BLK and 5.56 NATO. The guns, unloaded and without sights, weigh 6 pounds with a 16″ 1:8″ barrel, rifle length handguard and the Mission First Tactical Minimalist stock. Bushmaster installs an ALG Advanced Combat Trigger standard on these. MSRP is $1,169.
The Little Badger Gets Mean

Chiappa announced the company would now sell the Little Badger rifle chambered in .17 WSM. If you are not familiar with the .17 WSM, it is a rimfire round that can push a 20 grain bullet to 3,000 fps. The Little Badger will remain a minimalist kind of gun that folds in half for compact storage.
Noveske Gen III OMW Rifle

Noveske announced the company would be selling a carbine called the Gen III OMW. A portion of the profits from the new gun would go to the One More Wave non-profit that builds special surfboards for injured vets. The rifle is chambered in 300 BLK and has a mix of Geissele and Magpul parts. It looks like a great gun, but carries a MSRP of $2,350.
ADR-15 NIB Battleworn

Legal Manufacturing will show off its new ADR-15, an AR-type rifle with the NIB Battleworn finish. Long story short: its a cool rifle with a cool finish. The 4150 barrel has a 1:7 twist and the hand guard can be had with either KeyMod or M-LOK attachment points. Asking price: $1,999.99.
Caracal CAR816 A2

Caracal previously announced the 816, a DI-type AR clone. The new gun, the CAR816 A2, uses a short stroke piston system to run the rifle. The gas system is adjustable so you can tune it for suppressed running, single shot, etc. Select fire models will be available for government agencies while semi-automatic guns will be available to the general public. Barrel lengths will run from 10.5″ to 16″. The MSRP will be $1,850.
Adler Arms Lever Action Shotguns

Adler Arms will be back at the SHOT Show this year and will be showing its line of lever action shotguns. Right now, the company looks to be introduce its latest camo pattern hunting shotgun to US customers.

I’m hoping some of its other, less conventional guns will also be sold here.
Scopes, Ammo and Other Fun Stuff

Guns are only part of the shooting industry, and therefore, only part of the SHOT Show. Everything from gun finishes to scope rings are introduced and shown at SHOT. We will make sure to bring you all of the new SHOT Show products we can find.
Seen and/or Announced at the Show
Umarex Havox Ammo

Umarex announced a new line of air rifle ammunition called Havox. These all copper pellets are machined with cuts in the hollow point section so they open up rapidly after striking flesh. These pellets, when opened, offer a 100% size increase to make a relatively large wound channel in small game.
Klarus XT11GT Flashlight

Klarus has a number of new hand held lights coming out in 2017. One of those, the XT11GT, is a compact light that appears to be suitable for general purpose and self-defense use. On the high mode, the light is rated for 2,000 lumens and has a runtime of 50 minutes. A lower output of 400 lumens gets 3.5 hours. The light is rechargeable via a USB port.
One of the nice features about this light is a secondary tail switch that controls just the strobe. I found the system was fairly instinctive, and I could quickly go from momentary on of a non-strobing beam to a strobe.

The BoomDock is designed to secure a firearm against a child accessing it, while still keeping it handy enough for home defense. The BoomDock mounts to a wall by screwing into the studs, while the clamshell lid hinges over the trigger and receiver of a long gun. However, the BoomDock can also be used to store a full size handgun.
BoomDock recommends long term storage of firearms in a safe, while this unit can be used to keep your ready-to-go weapon secured but still easily accessible.
New Gear from Streamlight

Streamlight has a wealth of new lights coming out this year. Among them are railed version of the TLR-6 light and laser combo units and new models of ProTac HL lights called the HL-X. There is also a rail mounted version of the HL-X with a remote switch. I look forward to reviewing some of these lights in the near future.

Combat Arms Supply Thenar

The Thenar is a combination hand stop and QD sling attachment point. IT is not a fancy design, but it does an excellent job at both of these things. The one I examined was attached to an M-LOK rail. However, Picatinny and KeyMod versions are also in the works.
When combined with the Magpul Angled Fore Grip (AFG) as shown in the picture, it was comfortable to work with. The MSRP is $34.95, and will be buying one as soon as they become available.
Otis Defender Series

Otis is now selling a multi-purpose series of cleaning kits called the Defender Series. These kits come with three different ways to attack the grime in your gun: Memory Flex cables to pull bore brushes and patches through the bore, a Ripcord to provide a single pass cleaning and a solid rod for a more traditional approach.
Kits are available in 9mm, .40, .45, 5.56mm and 7.62mm sizes.
Tactical Lego

Possibly the coolest non-gun products at the SHOT Show are provided by Combat Arms Supply: tactical Lego. CAS makes some great slings and other accessories, but the tactical Lego really stands out at the expo.
According to the company rep I spoke with, the various Lego figures are pressed – not painted – using the same machine that Lego uses. Once they are pressed, the company adds the appropriate military hardware to provide a more authentic looking figure.

For example, in the above photo you can see a representation of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, one of the top Soviet snipers in World War II. She is equipped with a Mosin-Nagant rifle and a Tokarev pistol.

HydroShield Eye Pro

Howard Leight by Honeywell is now offering eye protection that uses a technology called HydroShield to prevent the fogging of the lenses. I’ve had varying degrees of success with anti-fog technology over the years: everything from Quick Spit for my snorkeling mask to lenses that claimed to be fogproof due to some sort of coating.
The HydroShield coating seems to work really well. At the company’s booth, they had several pairs of eye pro that used HydroShield lenses. These safety glasses were all sitting on top of a block of dry ice that was melting and surrounding the eye pro in a fog cloud. Even so, the lenses would not fog up.
Obviously, the durability of the coating is a key factor on how well it works over a long period of time. I haven’t tested these, so I cannot vouch for that aspect of the lenses. But, I was impressed enough with the demo that I’ll be ordering some of these for my own use and testing. HydroShield coated lenses are available in a wide range of colors and styles.
Howard Leight by Honeywell Sync Wireless Earmuffs

Howard Leight by Honeywell is offering a new earmuff suitable for hearing protection called the Honeywell Sync Wireless. The Sync is a Bluetooth 4.1 enabled ear muff that offers a 25 dB NRR. The real selling point on this new earmuff is the wireless functionality.
The Sync can pair with any Bluetooth enabled device like your iPhone, Android phone or iPod. With it paired, you can stream music or other audio through to the earmuffs. Additionally, the Sync has a noise cancelling boom mic that allows you to hold phone conversations while the muff is paired with your phone.
Power is provided by a built-in lithium ion rechargeable battery. The battery is charged via a USB port. A USB cable is included with the muff. (Update: these are now available on Amazon by clicking here.)
Smith & Wesson AR Parts Kits

Through the Battenfeld Technologies division, American Outdoor Brands (formerly Smith & Wesson Holding Company) is now selling a number of M&P branded AR parts kits.

On hand were three kits: a standard AR lower parts kit (LPK), a LPK without a trigger or pistol grip and an upper parts kit that includes the dust cover and forward assist assemblies.
Howard Leight by Honeywell Impact Sport Bolt

Howard Leight by Honeywell is rolling out a number of new products for 2017. The first is an update to the extremely popular Impact Sport ear pro. Called the Impact Sport Bolt, the new muffs have increased sound amplification (up to 5x), an extremely fast attack time of 0.5 ms and now use sound compression technology instead of a simple cut-off.
Testing them in the booth, the clarity of voices around me was very good. It looks like I may be upgrading my personal ear pro this year.
Announced Prior to Show
Here is a collection of gun related products that have been officially announced prior to the show starting. Where appropriate, I’ll try to get by the vendor booths for additional photos and information.
Meopta MeoTac 3-12×50 RD Scope

This optic was specifically designed by Meopta for use on assault rifles (real ones) to meet the needs of armed forces and security details that need a medium range engagement scope. It uses an illuminated MilDot 3 RD reticle in the first focal plane. Click adjustments are made in 1/3 MOA increments. Schott glass and Meopta’s MeoLox coatings provide 99.8% light transmission. These are impact resistent, waterproof and fogproof. The MSRP is $2,529.99.
Umarex Hammer
Umarex announced the company will show a new .50 caliber air rifle called the Hammer. The Hammer is said to be “…the latest in .50 caliber high pressure air rifles.” According to Umarex, this rifle will launch projectiles that will have 700 ft-lbs of energy. Doing the math, that means a 185 grain .50 claiber pellet would leave the barrel at a little more than 1,300 fps.
Benjamin Marauder Field & Target

Crosman announced that the Benjamin Marauder would now be available in a Field & Target edition. This is a pre-charged pneumatic, or PCP, rifle with an adjustable air pressure regulator. The regulator allows you to quickly swap between a target setting for maximum shot-to-shot velocity consistency and a hunting setting to maximize velocity for an improved ability to anchor small game. The rifle has a 12-shot magazine and offers up to 70 regulated shots with .177 caliber projectiles and up to 50 shots with .22 caliber projectiles.
Federal HST Micro in .38 Special
Federal is expanding its line of short barrel defensive ammunition by adding the .38 Special to the mix. The new load uses a 130 grain bullet that is set deep into the case so that it has an overall length close to that of a wadcutter. I look forward to seeing how this performs in gel.
Umarex Gauntlet

Umarex announced a new PCP (pre-charged pneumatic) air rifle that is said to provide consistent velocities across many shots from its 13 cubic inch tank. According to the company one fill will get you 70 shots at 1,000 fps with .177 caliber pellets and 60 shots at 900 fps with .22 caliber rounds. This is a bolt action repeater that sounds ready for an afternoon of small game hunting or plinking. The MSRP is only $299.
Coast HP314R

Coast Products is looking to make a splash with its new HP314R rechargeable flashlight. This is a dual power system that can charge via USB port or run on alkaline batteries. The light also has a USB out in case you want to use it to charge other devices. With the rechargeable battery, the light is rated at 1,000 lumens. Four D-cell batteries gets you a bit more at 1,200 lumens. The real focus of this light is the distance of its beam: nearly 2,800 feet with the alkaline batteries. MSRP is $499.
Crosman SBD

Crosman will introduce the new Silencing Barrel Device on its Nitro Piston 2 line of air rifles at the SHOT Show. This new sound suppressor is said to offer “best in class” sound attenuation and three times more quiet than other spring piston, break action air guns.
Coast Polysteel 600R Flashlight

Coast Products also announced an extremely durable handheld flashlight called the Polysteel 600R. This light is a rechargeable unit that can also operate on a set of four AA batteries. Alkaline cells offer the greatest output: 710 lumens and a beam distance of 810 feet. Coast adheres to the FL1 flashlight standard, which the company helped to create. Various colors, including plain black, are available. The MSRP is $89.99.
Kinetic Industries .338 Lapua Cases

Kinetic Industries announced the company was now selling match grade cases for the .338 Lapua. These brass cases are made in the United States.
Umarex ARX Ammo

Umarex and PolyCase teamed up to produce airgun ammunition using the PolyCase ARX bullet design. The projectiles are a polymer-copper composition and do not expand. The rounds, for lack of a better description, screw into the target and cause damage to radiate outward.
Alps OutdoorZ Monarch X Backpack

The Monarch X is a new backpack designed for women hunters. It is made with shoulder straps and a waist belt that is designed for the shorter height, narrower shoulders and smaller waists that women have when compared to men. However, this is a serious hunting pack with a stowable meat shelf, felt pockets for spotting scopes, bedding straps and more.
Swab-its New Gear
Swab-its will introduce new cleaning gear at the SHOT Show according to a press release the company sent out. No word yet on what the new gear will be.
Mossy Oak Hunting Accessories

Mossy Oak is launching a slew of new hunting products at the show including an updated line of hunting bags and packs. One of these new packs is the Pegtooth: a daypack that is designed for stand hunters. The bag has full length zippers to allow it to be completely opened instead of just packing it from the top. Additionally, the pack has rear facing compression straps and a new MOLLE quiver attachment.
SIG 1911 Spartan BB Gun

SIG announced a BB gun replica of the 1911 Spartan pistol. These new air guns are the same size and weight as the centerfire guns, making them great for practice without the cost of throwing 230 grain slugs down range. What I like most about these guns is the styling. I’ve shot several of the Spartan-styled pistols that SIG makes, and I am always impressed by the look of these guns. I’m glad to see there is a BB gun option now as well.
SIG P320 Air Gun

SIG SAUER also announced a new air pistol that mimics the size and weight of the P320 handgun. The new P320 air pistol has an identical trigger pull to the centerfire gun making it a great choice for practicing. It also has an accessory rail for a light if you want to practice with illumination as well.
Adaptive Tactical Stocks for 10/22 Takedowns

The folks at Adaptive Tactical put together a pair of great looking and very functional stocks for 2017. The TK22 is for the Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifle, and it adds a pistol grip and M4-style adjustable butt stock. The TK22C is for the 10/22 Charger Takedown, and it uses a sling attached to the back of the pistol that can help improve weapon stability when shooting. Both models are designed to work with bull, tapered and suppressed barrels.
Federal Hunter Match .22 LR
This new rimfire round will use a 40 grain HP bullet that offers match grade accuracy for small game and varmint hunters. Rabbit and ground hogs beware.
Tailhook Pistol Brace

The folks at Gear Head Works will be showing a new pistol brace at the SHOT Show. Called the Tailhook, this brace is said to be adjustable for length and can fold down to “counterbalance the muzzle weight under your forearm.” According to the company, the brace has been given the ok by the ATF and could be seen on a number of company’s pistols as a factory option.
MFT OWB Holsters

Mission First Tactical announced the company would show new OWB rigs made of Boltaron at the show. These new holsters will come in a number of fits and will retail for less than $70.
New Freedom Munitions Loads

Freedom Munitions will launch several new loads at the 2017 SHOT Show in Las Vegas. One is a .22 LR load in the company’s Hush line of subsonic ammo. This rimfire round uses a 50 grain LRN bullet and is said to feed and function reliably in semi-automatic pistols and rifles.

In the company’s Board Buster line, you will see two new handgun loads: one in .45 ACP and a second in 10mm. Both use X-Treme hardcast lead bullets and Vihtavuori powder. Freedom Munitions also added a 12 gauge load in this line that uses a one ounce copper plated rifled slug. It is loaded to 1,550 fps.
Lucid MLX Scope

Lucid Optics announced a new first focal plane scope that offers a 4.5-18x magnification. Called the MLX, the new optic uses a 30mm tube and has a 44mm objective lens diameter. These new optics are completely submersible, nitrogen purged and recoil resistant. The suggested retail price isn’t bad either: $649.
New Real Avid Tools

For 2017, Real Avid announced several new tools that include a range multi-tool called the Gun Tool Max, an AR-specific cleaning tool called the Carbon Boss AR-15 and a new line of bore cleaners called the Bore Boss.
The Gun Tool Max offers a variety of general purpose tools including pliers and nut drivers in addition to gun specific tools like a choke tube wrench. The MSRP is $59.99.
The Carbon Boss looks like the Swiss Army knife for cleaning every part of your bolt carrier group. Retail on this will be $29.99.
These are pull through bore cleaners with a handle and specially designed storage case. I’m looking forward to buying a bunch of these, especially with a retail of less than $10 each.
Viking Solutions Super Hide Puller and Improved Deer Splitter
If you do your own field dressing and processing, you know that having the right tools can make the job a lot easier. Viking Solutions offers a pair of tools that might be just what you need.

The Super Hide Puller is a tool that clamps on the deer skin and provides a great deal of leverage when pulling the hide from the animal. It is constructed so that the harder you pull, the tighter it grips. As it can take quite a bit of effort to skin an animal, this tool might really make the process quicker and easier.
Viking Solutions also announced a new version of the Deer Splitter. This tool allows you to open the rib cage and split the pelvic bone without dulling your knife. The way it works helps to prevent damaging any of the internal organs and keeps your hands outside of the animal. The company says it is also good for pruning small branches, but I think I’ll pass on that.
The above video shows the original tool in operation.
Siberian Coolers Outback Series

Siberian Coolers are high quality coolers in the same league as Yeti and other similar brands. These are very efficient at maintaining a cold temperature when the outside temps are quite warm. I’ve got one of a Classic model, and it has worked extremely well.
For 2017, the company is adding a new line of coolers called the Outback Series. There will be four models from 30 quarts to 125 quarts in size. Even though my Siberian works very well, these sound like they will boost performance even more with thicker walls, more insulation and even tougher components. MSRPs will run from $219 – $499 depending on size.
As an option, there is a cold divider also available for only $24.95. This divider fills with water, freezes and serves three purposes: (1) it divides the cooler into two distinct storage areas, (2) it helps keep the contents cold and (3) when the ice melts on long trips, the water inside has been kept clean and can be used for drinking water.
New Mystery Ranch Camo and Gear

Mystery Ranch announced the company would offer the Desolve Bare camo pattern on many of its bags in 2017. Desolve Bare was developed in New Zealand as a camouflage that takes advantage of weaknesses in animal vision to make it a good choice for hunters. The company will continue to offer MultiCam for those hunting two-legged predators.
Mystery Ranch also announced multiple new products like a smaller version of the Scapegoat pack and a cool new binocular case/harness. I’ll try to get by the company’s display at the show and get some images and additional details on these.
Gorilla Gear Hunting Safety Gear

When hunting from a height, fall safety should be as large a concern as gun safety. Every year, hunters are injured, paralyzed and killed by falls. Gorilla Gear is offering a couple of new products including the G-TAC AIR Flex Fit safety harness and the First Defense Line quick connect tree rope. The harness is designed to be very comfortable without impairing safety while the Fall Defense Line offers easy use and can support up to 400 pounds.
TriTech Tactical Glock Magazine AR Grips

Georiga-based TriTech Tactical will show a pair of new AR grips that store Glock magazines. More information on these grips is in my article here.
ArmaLaser TR17G

Florida-based ArmaLaser announced the company is now selling red and green aiming lasers for the Colt Mustang XSP. The TR17 and TR17G are instant on type lasers that eliminate the need for fumbling with a switch or button to activate it. The MSRP of the red laser is $118.75 and the green laser is $178.75.
MGI Transforming Handguard

MGI announced the company is adding a replacement handguard to its line of options for the Hydra rifle. The system is modular, allowing you to swap in different kinds of attachment points like M-LOK, KeyMod and Picatinny.
New Condor Gear

Condor Outdoor Products will show its new Rover Pack backpack and Vanquish Armor System (VAS) in January. The Rover is a little less “tactical” than some backpacks, but it is still adorned with webbing and loop patches. It has a MSRP of $120. The VAS is a plate carrier with lots of webbing for a full combat set up. It retails for $150.
I-Nigma Ballistic Shirt

This new ballistic “vest” is actually closer to a shirt that fits tighter to the body but remains flexible for comfort. This could be ideal for anyone needing more discreet protection. It offers NIJ certified protection from handgun rounds, but also can take Level III and Level IV rifle plates if you need to up-armor in an emergency. This is being made by a pair of European firms, and I do not have any pricing information yet.
ArmaLaser TR16 for Bersa Thunder

If you own one of the Bersa pistols in the Thunder series, ArmaLaser is now building a pair of laser aiming products for you. These lasers mount to the trigger guard of the gun and feature an instant activation function that naturally works with you. Green lasers are more visible during the daytime, so I lean that way. The TR16G carries a sugegsted retail price of $178.75. If you prefer red, the cost is less at only $118.75.
Low Recoil Ammo from HSM

HSM announced a new line of hunting rifle ammunition that is said to reduce felt recoil by 50% or more. The new loads will be available in .243 Win, .270 Win, 7mm-08, 7mm Win Mag, .308 Win, .30-06 Sprg and 300 Win Mag. These loads use standard for caliber weights (not super light) bullets made by Sierra. I’ll try to get more details about the load specifics in the coming days.
New Vertx Bag Colors

Vertx rolled out a number of new CCW bags at last year’s expo. This year, the company is expanding the line with new colors that make these discreet bags even lower profile. This includes a Bracken Brown color for the Professional Rifle Garment Bag, Loden Green for the EDC Gamut Bag and a very verdant Greener Pastures for the EDC Essentials Bag. I really like this line as they so not look “tactical” but offer very good performance.
Advantage Tactical Sights – Expanded Dark Diamond Line

ATS announced the company would show more versions of the Dark Diamond sights at the show. Specifically, the company will offer two new colors for the glowing front sights and several new pistol fits including the S&W M&P line and HK VP9 pistol.
BulletSafe Ballistic Shield

BulletSafe, the company that brought us the $169 ceramic Level III plate and $299 III-A soft body armor, announced it will show a new Level III ballistic shield at the show. The new shield will offer 700 square inches of protection for only $699. Nice.
Truglo TFX, TFX Pro Sights for Ruger American Pistol

Truglo announced the company will offer both the TFX and TFX Pro sights for the Ruger American Pistol line. These products are an awesome combination of fiber optics and tritium to give you very bright sights in all lighting conditions.
Industry Day at the Range
Imagine an event where all of the gun makers come together, hand you all of their new products and allow you to shoot them to your heart’s content. Further imagine that the people handing you the guns are the engineers and designers of these great guns so you can talk to them and find out the back story on each new pistol or rifle.
Sound like a fanatsy? Nope. It is called Industry Day at the Range.

Industry Day at the Range is a single day event held outside of Las Vegas on a shooting range that allows for everything I just described. Formerly called Media Day at the Range, the event is now open to a number of selected buyers in addition to credentialed members of the media.
All of this sounds like fun, right? I’m not going to lie: it is a lot of fun!
I can hear a lot of you right now asking “how do I get into the Industry Day at the Range event?” Well, this is a bit tough. First, you have to be registered for the SHOT Show. See below for all of that information.
Once you are registered to attend the show, you still have to be invited to the range day. Just because you are “media” or otherwise credentialed for the big show doesn’t mean you automatically get to attend the range. One of the displaying companies has to specifically request for you to attend.
Don’t worry – just because you won’t be there doesn’t mean you won’t get to see all of the great new stuff on display. We will be there, and we will bring you lots of photos, video and more.
Rumors (Heard Before and During the Show)
As the show approaches, I will include any rumors here. If they are confirmed or disproved, I will ensure the rumors are updated in a timely manner. Likewise, anything I hear at the show will be conveyed in this section.
SIG P320: Compact Frame, Full Length Slide
I’m hearing that SIG will offer a new P320 that uses a compact frame and full length barrel and slide. This has been a popular option on the 1911 platform and has been carried over into many modern pistols. Springfield Armory, for example, does this with the XD-S 4.0 pistols.
SIG Pistols with Romeo Optics
It looks like SIG SAUER may be capitalizing on its optics division by making pistols that ship with a mounted reflex sight. It is sounding like the company will offer the optics option on most of its major pistol lines including the P320 and P226 series.
Taurus Thunderbolt in .45 Colt

Taurus discontinued its line of pump action rifles a few years back, but I am hearing a rumor that the company will introduce at least one of these guns back into the catalog in 2017. The gun is said to be chambered in .45 Colt, and will be similar to the original Thunderbolt rifles. I’m hearing pricing is more than the old guns, but under $800.
Walther P22QD
This one is interesting to me. A new Walther pistol is popping up in a variety of online dealer catalogs. Called the P22QD, there is little hard information about the pistol other than it is a .22 LR handgun that is part of the existing P22 line. My guess is that QD stands for Quick Defense, and the guns will have a similar trigger to that found on the company’s PPQ. If so, I suspect this will be a very good seller.
Taurus Spectrum

Taurus looks to be ready to introduce a replacement for the TCP line of pistols: the Spectrum. These new .380 handguns – not yet officially announced by Taurus – appear to be offered in a wide range of color options with frame, slide and insert colors that can combine for dozens of possibilities. (Update: You can read my Taurus Spectrum review here.)
JP GMR-15 9mm Carbine

JP Enterprises is teasing a new 9mm carbine that will be announced at the SHOT Show. No information is available other than a MSRP of $2,000. The company currently makes a 9mm carbine called the GMR-13.
Update 1/11/17: JP Enterprises sent out a press release announcing the GMR-15 and identifies it as an updated version of the GMR-13. The company states it revised the lower and included a revised magazine release, last round hold open and a magwell that is more flared than the original. The upper has also been redesigned with left handed shooters being taken care of with a dual sided charging handle and a larger brass deflector. I’ll grab additional information (and photos) at the show.
Tapco Muzzle Device

Tapco, one of the Remington companies, is expected to announce a new AR muzzle device. Not much is known about it other than what’s shown in the photo above.

Trijicon has been hinting at a range of new products that will be unveiled at the SHOT Show. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone, but the company does seem to be going out of its way to tease it. I wonder if this means some large announcement.
FM-9 Carbine
Ok, this one sounds wild. This is an AR-style rifle that is chambered in 9mm and takes Glock magazines – in two places. It looks like this gun will feed from a magazine in the pistol grip -and- one in a traditionally located magazine well. The gun is said to use a short-stroke piston with a forward-mounted, non-reciprocating charging handle. I’m hearing this will come with a SOPMOD-type stock and M-LOK handguard with a retail of about $900. I’m trying to find out more.
Diamondback DB9R 9mm Rifle

It sounds like Diamondback Firearms will introduce a new 9mm rifle at the SHOT Show. Called the DB9R, the new gun is expected to take AR-15 form and run on Glock-pattern magazines. The information I am receiving so far tells me:
- blowback design
- 16″ barrel with 1:10″ twist
- 9″ KeyMod hand guard
- 33-round ETS magazine
- Safariland SuperStoc
- MSRP: $900-ish
I’m also hearing Diamondback will introduce a pistol version of the rifle with a MSRP of about $30-40 less than the long gun.
I.O. Inc. Valkyrie

Inter Ordnance (aka I. O. Inc.) will show a new .22 LR revolver at the SHOT Show in January. Called the Valkyrie, the I. O. Inc. revolver is a single-action handgun with a five-shot, swing-out cylinder.
According to the company, the new revolver will be only four inches in overall length. This would make it the same length as the North American Arms NAA-22LR revolver that is also a five shot handgun.
I. O. Inc. states the Valkyrie will have polymer grips and buyers will have the option of purchasing one with an integral laser sight. Currently, I. O. Inc. projects the guns will be available in February of 2017. The company set the base price at $259.95.
CZ P-10 C

CZ had a soft launch of the P-10 C pistol. Rumors of a new CZ pistol started to leak out, so it seems the company jumped out in front of the story and acknowledged the new gun. But, a lot of information on the gun is not yet available. What we do know is that this will be a striker-fired, polymer-framed 9mm pistol that should ship in the first quarter of 2017. These will be very similar to the hammer fired P-7 pistols in many ways. The company took a shot at Glock, saying it is “improving on perfection.”
Revamp of S&W M&P Line

Smith & Wesson has been dropping hints about a new generation of M&P pistols ever since it jumped into the running for the US military’s new handgun contract. Unfortunately for the company, the military rejected the company’s entry. I believe, however, that this could accelerate the company’s plan to launch the gun in the consumer market in an effort to begin recouping its R&D costs.
More Information on the M&P 2.0 Line

It seems Academy Sports accidentally leaked information about the second generation M&P pistols. Above is a photo of one.

Right now, it sounds like the new guns will feature four different palmswell grips (up from 3), have a new trigger system and a new grip texture. Taking a look at the photo, it also looks like the magazine base plates may have been changed and there are some weird cuts in the forward portion of the frame.
Glock 17M

It is no secret that Glock won the FBI contract, and it is a poorly kept one that the company began shipping new model guns to at least one police agency in the United States. The company has not released any information about these new guns, and won’t until it determines it is ready to. I would not be surprised to see these on display at the show in January. Everyone seems to like Glock rumors, and we will do our best to keep you in the loop.
FirstEdge Tactical Skinner

FirstEdge Knives & Tools is expected to introduce a new fixed blade knife called the Tactical Skinner. This full tang knife uses ELMAX steel, has a drop point and will sell for about $250. It comes with a Kydex sheath and can be attached to PALS (MOLLE) webbing.
Armaspec SRS-1

Armaspec is expected to show its new Stealth Recoil Spring (SRS-1) at the SHOT Show. The system is a replacement for the AR-15 buffer and spring that is said to reduce felt recoil and eliminate rubbing against the buffer tube. It is not know if the system will be available to duplicate the effects of different weight buffers.
Event Information
For people new to the shooting world, you might be wondering “what is the SHOT Show anyway?” In many ways, it is the world’s largest gun show. But, not a gun show like you might hit on the weekend in your town. This is a trade show where companies throughout the industry meet, show their products and conduct business.
SHOT is an acronym for Shooting Hunting and Outdoors Trade, which is an accurate description for what this exposition is all about. One of the key words in that acronym is the last: Trade. This is not an event that is open to the public.
The SHOT Show is an industry event that is open to manufacturers, dealers and distributors only. Select members of the media are also invited so we can meet with all of the different companies.
If you are not a working member of the shooting industry, you are not likely to be able to attend. That is one of the reasons why I cover the show: to bring you information that you would not otherwise have available to you. I strongly suggest you check out the annual NRA show. That event is open to the public and many of the same companies are there as well.
When Is the SHOT Show?
This year, the show will be held from January 17 – 20, 2017. If you are attending Industry Day at the Range, that is held on Monday, January 16 – the day before the show begins. Exhibitors can enter the exposition center prior to the show for set up purposes. The NSSF should be in contact with you on those dates, times and procedures.
Where Is the SHOT Show?
The SHOT Show will be held in the Sands Expo & Convention Center located in Las Vegas, NV. The expo center faces Sands Avenue and is right off of the strip. Both the Palazzo and Venetian hotels are connected to the Sands.
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3222.8111243056533!2d-115.165306!3d36.12245899999997!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x80c8c4407d46f103%3A0x1f9bff65965de358!2sATM+Sands+Convention+Center!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1412808938105&w=700&h=525]
If you have attended the show in the past few years, it is in the same place when you last visited. The NSSF locked in a long term contract with the Sands which brought some stability to everyone’s travel planning.
How Do I Register for the SHOT Show?
Registration is handled for the NSSF by a third party that has been hired to manage the event. The company, Experient, has an online registration page (click here). Keep in mind that you have to be a business member of the industry to attend. For that reason, you will need to provide credentials to establish yourself as eligible to attend.
Tips: “Must Dos” and Things to Avoid
If you are new to the show, you might be a bit overwhelmed by the event. Take a deep breath and relax – you’ll get through it ok.
First, a few tips on what to do:
- be friendly and patient: The show will be crowded and the aisles will be tight. Keep in mind that with few exceptions, everyone else at the show is a gun guy or gal just like you. We’re all in it together, so keep a smile on your face and don’t be afraid to make a friend when stuck in a line.
- think comfortable business attire: Everyone is at the show to do business. For some of us, that means a suit and tie are expected. For many people, something between casual and business casual is acceptable. Since you are going to be on your feet for most of the day – for four days – wear comfortable shoes. I know many women like to wear heels, but carefully consider if that will be the best idea and dress accordingly.
- hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: In case you were not aware, Las Vegas is in a desert. If you are not accustomed to the environment, you can dehydrate quickly and not even realize it. Keep a bottle of water with you at the show and refill it every chance you get. Also, some saline nose spray and chap stick isn’t a bad idea.
- hand sanitizer: Bring it, use it. It will help to minimize your exposure to the SHOT sickness that seems to sweep through attendees in the days after the show.
A few things not to do:
- photography: Do not photograph anyone’s booth without their permission. Keep in mind that this is a closed event and sometimes there are prototype guns that should not be shown online. Sometimes there are even people, like members of the US Special Forces community, that would also prefer not to pop up on Reddit or Facebook.
- roller bags: If at all possible, don’t bring any luggage or rolling boxes with you onto the show floor. The floor is already over crowded and roller bags and boxes really jam things up for everyone. Take a shoulder bag or backpack.
- waste anyone’s time: There are tens of thousands of people at this event. A company will not be able to talk to all potential customers. Be respectful of people’s time and don’t engage employees in idle conversation when they are obviously busy.
Photo Gallery
All of the photos in this gallery are original photos owned by GunsHolstersAndGear.com. All online publications (websites, blogs, YouTube and social media sites) are granted a limited license to use them for the purposes of reporting on the SHOT Show and/or the specific firearms shown.
Anyone may download one of these original photos and use them online subject to the following restrictions:
- online use only
- may not be redistributed or used for offline purposes
- cannot be used to disparage the gun industry, an exhibitor, any person, the National Shooting Sports Foundation or GunsHolstersAndGear.com
- must credit GunsHolstersAndGear.com for the use of the image
For use of the images in print or traditional broadcast, contact Richard via e-mail: admin –at– gunsholstersandgear.com

Last Update: October 19, 2022
30 replies on “SHOT Show 2017: News, Rumors, New Guns and More”
re: The show will be crowded and the aisles will be tight.
The food will be expensive (and unhealthy), lines long, and usually no place to sit – speaking as a former COMDEX attendee, often at that venue. Unless prohibited by the event, bring your own beverage and meal replacement bars.
Excellent points and suggestions. Definitely bring (at least) a bottle of water and some sort of snack/power bar.
I have to say, the S&W M&P M2.0 is probably the most exciting thing the show is going to deliver, but I’m also hopeful that the Desert Tech MDR will finally be ready.
I’m also excited because I have a vehicle related assignment at the show. It is going to force me to explore new areas of the SHOT Show that I have previously bypassed.
What things are you all hoping are going to debut at the show?
MDR…I know a lot of people are waiting for that. Being its in Vegas, I wonder what the line is on a shipping date.
I just heard about a new 9mm prototype yesterday that might be available to see for people who know where to ask. I’ll be hunting that down.
Wait, like as in from the same roots as the MDR??? Or from someplace else?
Nope – not anything from Desert Tech.
Dun don dunnnnn!
And if it is a bullpup, ill be super interested.
Looks like Savage will be coming out with some semi-auto rifles in 308, 6.5 Creedmoor, 223 (5.56)…..might be interesting.
Thanks for sharing the information!
Has anyone heard anything from FB Radom’s MSBS? From what I’ve seen in the past, they’ve been attending Shot Show touting the MSBS but were focusing on getting the contract from the Polish military (which they did win). I’ve heard this is an excellent rifle at an under 1000 price point.
I have not, but I will see if I can dig up some information at the show.
Thanks Richard.
I’m bringing my roller bag Richard…
hahahahahaha! Ken has one too! We will be twins!!!
The Walther PPQ has a single action fully cocked striker system. It’s not DAO.
You are correct. I apologize for the error and have corrected the article.
Anyone see the new IWI DAN .338 precision rifle?
I briefly saw the press release on that rifle come through my e-mail box, but I’ve been traveling and have not had a chance to post the information on it. Today’s going to be very busy with some pre-SHOT stuff, so I hope to post the information later tonight (along with a bunch of more new guns.)
I’ve got some basic info and photos entered above. A good friend, Aaron, is working on a full article about it from range day. He’s working on it now and will post it up on TheFirearmBlog. As soon as it goes live, I will link to it. Aaron’s a sniper and skilled long range shooter. His article will be far more informative that what I can write on it.
Awesome. Looking forward to it. Thanks!
It’s live: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/01/17/iwi-dan-338-lapua-sniper-rifle-shot-2017/
Images aren’t working for me, but the info is more than helpful. Thanks for compiling all of this!
Thanks for the feedback. Any chance you are using an adblocker? I don’t run ads on the site, but I do “lazy load” the images so that they only appear when you scroll to them. The idea is to prevent your browser from loading everything all at once and slowing down your experience. I’m wondering if an adblocker might be seeing those as ads or something.
Thanks for the quick reply. I’m not using an ad blocker, as I’m on an iPad. But whatever the glitch was, it’s all fixed now.
Party on!
Ok – good. I was worried that something was going wrong. Give me a shout if it starts giving you any additional problems.
Any chance you can put a date/time on the first line. I love the site and the quantity of information but I find, even now, that I am going to look frequently during the day and don’t know if there is any updated info or not.
Please keep up the great work and look forward to your comments this week.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for being a reader and taking the time to comment. I’ve implemented your suggestion; I hope it helps!
FYI: That’s the STI Costa Carry Comp.