Shooting Gear

New Mosin-Nagant Gear from Brass Stacker

Brass Stacker will release a number of new Mosin-Nagant parts and accessories in 2014 according to the company’s website. Among them are:

  • 10 round magazine,
  • recoil absorbing butt pad,
  • flash hider for shortened and threaded barrels,
  • peep sights, and
  • steel targets that can handle steel core surplus ammo.

While maintaining a surplus gun in original condition is best for historical preservation, the fact is a lot of people like to sporterize mil-surp guns. I do not have a problem with that but would hope that anyone who starts customizing a gun takes a few minutes to make sure they don’t have anything special or rare. For help in identifying what kind of M-N rifle you have, consider picking up The Mosin-Nagant Rifle, an excellent book on the guns. (Read my review on the book here.)

If you have an interest in doing some customizing work on your Mosin-Nagant, I’d recommend checking out Iraqveteran8888’s channel on YouTube. 

Eric has some great videos on improving and customizing a M-N rifle. I’m including a couple of his videos here so you can get an idea of what he is doing.

This is how to do a relatively easy trigger job:

This video shows the potential accuracy of the M-N guns with commercial ammo:

Last Updated: June 26, 2022

By Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson is a gun writer, amateur historian and - most importantly - a dad. He's done a lot of silly things in his life, but quitting police work to follow his passion of writing about guns was one of the smartest things he ever did. He founded this site and continues to manage its operation.